Frequently Asked Questions

What is doodle art?

Doodle art is the thought that surfaces from unconscious self. It is usually something you draw without putting a lot of mind to it. But by putting in a little effort and mindfulness, you can create a piece of artwork. I teach how to put that effort into right direction. Doodle art is representative in nature. Representative images, drawings, thoughts. It doesn’t need to be perfect but at the same time, it does need to convey your thoughts. Doodle art workshop tries to teach how to put your thoughts creatively on a paper and mindfully transforming yourself.

Dabbling in it will not only help in;

  • Building memory power
  • Enhance creativity
  • Improve focus
  • Help express emotions
  • Relieve stress

It will make you ready to face the challenges of the day with ease, happiness and joy.

How is doodle art different from other art forms?

It is not something which is separate from other art forms. In fact, it is a combination of various art forms. It involves sketching, drawing, painting, illustrating, etc. but in a representative manner. You don’t have to be precise until you learn to put your thoughts on paper. Once you learn that, you can start working on the details. This workshop will teach you everything about doodling including merging other art forms into doodling.

Can I learn doodle art even if I have not done it before?

Everyone has doodled at some point in their lives. Have you scribbled at the back of your notebook before? Drawn random things on the blackboard?  Drawn a flower on the beach sand or dusty car screen? If your answer to any of these is yes, then you can doodle. At the workshop, you will be guided to give a form to your doodles resulting in an artwork.  You would be guided from the basics to the pro level in such a way that you would amaze yourself in the end.